
The Great Rift Valley Software Company takes privacy and measured, careful oversight of your data very seriously indeed.

We have several privacy policies, which we spell out carefully, and indicate exactly which ones apply in any given circumstance.

All of our privacy policies act as extensions of the following General Privacy Policy.


  1. If We Don’t Need It, We Won’t Take It.

There’s no such thing as “nice to have” in data access and retention. We will never ask for data “just in case we might need it in the future.” If we need it, and it’s not something that the device (or server) already has, we specifically ask your permission to access any data.

If we don’t need it, we won’t ask for it, and we won’t take it.

  1. If We Don’t Need to Keep It, We Won’t Keep It.

It’s important to destroy/delete any of your data under our care, as soon as it’s no longer necessary.

In some cases, we may offer to retain data in order to make your experience and relationship with us more convenient. In these cases, we will specifically ask for your permission to allow us to retain your data.

  1. Your Data Always Belongs to You.

Your data is ALWAYS “your” data. If we need access to it, we never assume ownership of it.

You will always have the right to tell us what to do with any of your data we have in our care.

That said, it’s entirely possible that we may not be able to provide services without it, so be aware that removing your data may result in the services becoming unavailable.

Additionally, you are always allowed to ask us about your data under our care, and we should always be ready to provide you with a complete and accurate inventory of your data.

  1. We Take Care of Your Data.

Because we don’t own your data, we consider it our responsibility to guard and conceal your data. It will not be shared with any other party without your express, “opt-in” consent.

That said, there may be specific, one-time events, where legitimate law enforcement agencies may require us to divulge data without alerting you.

In these cases, we would insist that they follow procedure and process; providing us with the appropriate orders and warrants.

The best way to deal with these eventualities, of course, is to follow Rule #1 (If We Don’t Need It, We Don’t Take It), and #2 (If We Don’t Need to Keep It, We Won’t).

  1. It is Our Responsibility to Ensure That You Understand How We Are Accessing, Storing or Using Your Data.

All of our discussions on privacy and data handling/retention will be spelled out in clear, unambiguous, English. It is important that you understand exactly what data we need, what data we keep, why we need to use it or keep it, what we are doing with it, and where that data is, at any given time.

Clear communication is OUR responsibility. We must always be prepared to help you to understand how we use any data that you entrust us with.

If you have any questions, you are ALWAYS free to ask.

  1. We Try to Avoid Using Other Entities’ Services In Our Products.

In some cases, we may need to use resources or services provided by a third party in our software. If we do this, we don’t always have control of how these entities will manage your data.

As a general rule, we try to avoid this. Dependencies should be a necessary evil; not a standard policy. There are many reasons to avoid dependencies, and privacy is only one reason.

That said, we can sometimes offer great value and powerful capabilities by leveraging third-party libraries and/or services.

If we use any libraries or dependencies from third parties, or establish connections to third-party entities, we will always make that clear in the app description.

As we write software for Apple devices, we must assume that all data on the devices will be ruled by Apple’s Privacy Policy, which is famously strict and uncompromising.

Our Specific Privacy Policies

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